Supervising [Intercultural] Project Teams


When individuals with different [cultural] backgrounds work together frictions arise. Being ignored, those frictions may have merely a destructive impact on the way people collaborate. However, they can also be used to hone creativty and innovation.

The Paul Rath team offers team and case supervision across cultures for individuals and groups. Team supervision focuses primarily on the communication within a group. Case supervision targets a specific conflict matter and its resolution. There is no fine line between the two aspects. Dealing with project teams, in most situations they are intertwined and must be integrated by the supervisor.

We do not provide ready-made solutions nor bandaid. In lieu thereof, we accompany you through the entire process to help you achieve sustainable change and, thus, give you the tools to address future conflict situations by yourself.

©2009 Psychological & Psychotherapeutic Practice Dipl. Psychologist Paul Rath · - Duesseldorf-Haan
supervisionPhotography ©Thomas Ernsing